5 parenting tips to increase kids' happiness

If you are kind of parents who spend days criticizing and forbidding your kids to do things, this is a piece of advice for you.

 Every kids are different. Parents want to express love, but when they try to solve problems that constantly arise around their kids, it feels like the day is full of getting angry at the children, ordering, critisizng, and forbidding them doing things they're trying to do. Parents always want to do their best, but sometimes, their action can leave unresolved hurt feelings build up deep in the hearts of both parents and children, which are not good for children's emotion development

 Here are 5 tips to increase kid's happiness

 One, structuring the environment

Let's make the environment as safe as possible for children.

Furnitures such as chairs, table, etc. that are not safe for kids to play freely in the room should be removed or replaced. Shock absorbers on the floor, walls, or corners of furniture should be equipped to prevent serious injuries caused by kids falling frequently. Parents can also use dark colored stripes in front of television to mark the distance set to maintain healthy eyesight, or by laying a pretty rug to keep the distance.

 When kids play in a safe environment, parents tend to be less anxious about safety, so they have more enjoyable and comfortable time with their children instead of repeating accusations or restraining orders.

 ◇ Two, be a mediator

Parents usually tend to judge conflicts between their children. They can either punish or compliment children who have done right or wrong by determining who is at fault. However, in any trial, it is difficult to make an accurate judgment, and even if the right or wrong is accurately judged, it can be unfair to both children. It is because one side feels unfair to be the only one who get punished, and for the other side, the hurt feelings are not resolved quickly enough.

 At this time, it is better to listen to and empathize with the children's upset feelings, and then convey the core feelings of the other sibling as well. If mommy can do that, the children's hearts will soften and it will be easier for them to apologize. To the child who apologized first, the parents should express their extraordinary and prouding feelings.

 “Mommy is sad because I couldn’t take either side, but I am so happy that you apologizes first and the situation is resolved.”

◇ Three, set the rules

Teach the kids to respect the ownership of things and toys, and how to ask for permission before playing other's stuffs. For common objects that are not in possession, the person in charge should set the order and time and teach the kids to use them in turns. Do not instruct each day to repeat daily tasks such as hygiene habits, etiquette, tidying up, preparing for school and going to school. Parents need to set it as a rule and let the kids follow it themselves. Through the experience of setting and following rules, kids can learn social experiences that are difficult to master as a child.

 “This is sister's teddy bear, so mommy can't ask her to give it to you. Could you please wait until she finishes playing with it, or could you ask her if you can play together?"

 “Is there a watch over there? Until the long needle reaches figure six, you will need to go to bed”

 “You’re so nice. Even that mommy did not tell you, you wash your hands after playing”

 ◇ Four, give roles

 Children also want to show off their presence or influence. A child who can make a presence out of positive things doesn't feel the need to get into trouble or fight to get attention. To show their presence by helping her family, assign roles to the children according to their rank and age and express their gratitude.

 “You helped mommy to get ready for the dinner. Thank you."

 "Thank you for helping me with the chores. Mommy feel much easier cleaning the house now"

 ◇ Fifth, accept kid's jealousy

Many children know that they are loved, but they still express jealousy at the love that other children receive. When a sick younger sister is taken care of without attending daycare, the elder one can be envy and might avoid going to school because she feels sick tô. It is better to accept the jealousy expressed by children as they are. Helping them express themselves appropriately will be helpful for their emotional development.

 “You want your mom to hold you like her little brother sometimes! Would you like to pick up her sister when she sleeps?”

 “I envy you that you are thin! Yes, you might be envious of being different from me.”

 Immediately accusing or admonishing children to change their incorrect thoughts or behaviors offends each other. It is effective to set aside a good time to empathize and listen to the wishes of your precious kids.
