Top 3 favourite teethers of Korean Moms | Seoul Papa

Why teether?

Taking care of a baby is not an easy thing, especially when your baby has come to the stage of teething. New teeth coming in will make your baby's gums swollen, uncomfortable and itchy. Therefore, what parents need is to buy their baby really good teether to help them get through this stage.

How to choose teether?

Teethers are something that children will put in their mouths, so parents need to pay attention to choose a good type to ensure the safety of their baby's health. The following will be the top 3 best baby teethers that Korean parents choose for their baby.

TGM teether

TGM teether review Seoulpapa Korean brand

TGM teether belongs to a high-end Korean brand that produce products for babies. This product has a smart handle design making it easy and comfortable for your baby to hold, besides, it also helps limit the slippery and avoid falling off when using. With a handle like this, mommies also don't need to worry about marks on your baby's hand like many other teethers.

TGM teether review Seoulpapa Korean brand

The design of this TGM chewing gum is not really too diverse. Up to now, the manufacturer only introduced frog, bear and crab shapes. Therefore, mommies and babies won't have too many choices. This is a big minus. On the other hand, this product is just right size, made of high quality flexible silicone, which is super safe for babies. Not only that, this teether also has good heat resistance. Mommies can clean and sanitize them with microwave or boiled water. However, mommies need to be aware that this item might have a slight odor when you first buy it. It is recommended that you need to sterilize it a few times to get rid of the bad smell. However, it does no harm to your precious baby, so there’s nothing to be worried about.

Perfection Grape Teether

Perfection Grape Teether is a tooth growth device in the shape of a grape fruit. Since it is made of silicone material, it can be sterilized with hot water, and it is core-designed to be easily held by a baby. It can be used for babies from 3 months old, and this product also includes of a clipper and a case, which makes it awesome to be held by babies and to be storaged by mommies. The size is 56*56*105mm and the weight is 30g, which is abit lighter than other normal teethers.

TGM teether review Seoulpapa Korean brand

There are many types of Perfection Fruit teether: bananas, apples, grapes, watermelons, and soothers. Some mommies said that grape teether was the prettiest one and it seemed easier to bite than others. It even had a case so it is always hygienical, and the grape-shaped protrusion on the top is able to stimulate the gums and relieve itching. In addition, it is made of soft silicone material, so it is good that the baby can bite and suck more freely.

Perfection Banana Teether 

Perfection Banana Teether come with a really cute shape that mimic the toothbrush. The design is pretty and it is made of silicone. However, other teether has a little sharp on the edge, but in Perfection’s case,  mommies can feel a little relieved because the whole place was rounded.

TGM teether review Seoulpapa Korean brand

And since the heat resistance temperature is about 100- 120 degrees, it can be sterilized in boiling water. Silicone boiling water sterilization is not good for a long time. It is said that it is usually recommended to do it for about 30 seconds, so I think you should disinfect it moderately.
