Water: How much should you drink?

kids should drink lots of water Seoulpapa

Water accounts for 70% of the human body. Water does not only produces various digestive juices, hormones and body fluids, it also is the raw material of blood and the main component of body fluids, which help the body break down the food we ingest and absorb and digest, distribute nutrients to every part of the body, and promote body circulation. In addition, sweat regulates body temperature, supplies oxygen, discharges waste, and maintains body balance. On this earth, no matter what kind of life it is, it is impossible to survive without water.

Although water is so important, it can be dangerous if you drink too much.

If you barely drink water, it's hard to drink it. Even if you drink it, you will only want to go to the toilet all the time, and there is no way to keep the water. The salinity of body fluids in the body must be fixed for the electrolyte to play its role and maintain homeostasis. When the water exceeds the requirement, after entering the body, it will dilute the concentration of the body fluid, causing the electrolyte to function abnormally. When the body cannot store water, it will be excreted from the body through diarrhea, vomiting, and urine.

The relationship between salt and water is inseparable

It is generally believed that the more water you drink, the better for your body, and feelings have become the most basic health knowledge. The World Health Organization recommends that the average person drink 1.5 liters of water a day, 8 cups or more, but the water does not have to drink as much as the recommended intake, just according to the body's needs.

Many people obviously don't want to drink water, but they think of ways to make themselves drink a lot. The recommended water intake published by the World Health Organization is 1.5 liters, while salt is 5 grams. The blood salinity in our body is basically 0.9%. A simple comparison of this figure does not match its concentration. If it is basically 1.5 liters, 12.5 grams of salt is required, at least 10 grams or more to reach this concentration.

Because labor or exercise squanders a lot of sweat, it is very dangerous if you only drink a lot of water without adding salt. If I feel dry and dry in my mouth, but I just drink ordinary water, I will soon feel thirsty again and my lips will become dry. If I use saliva to moisturize my lips, it will only cause chapped lips. Sweat takes away moisture and salt together, but only supplements with water, and you may fall into a serious crisis, such as fainting halfway through work under the scorching sun, shock halfway through marching in the army, and halfway through the low-salt weight loss diet plan. Fainting or sudden death of marathon runners, etc.

Not only is a low-salt diet and excessive drinking water cause problems, it is also dangerous if only salt is consumed and water intake is restricted. We can't separate water and salt separately, because only when the two are in balance can the body function properly.

Water is good for baby health Seoulpapa

Find the balance of salt and water!

After adequate intake of salt, you will naturally want to drink water, and the human body will be able to store water. People who lack salt do not want to drink water or eat fruit all day long. Carrying a minimum of body fluids and blood, in order to make the most effective use, the body will save energy. Therefore, in productive activities such as work and study, the body cannot function normally and can only enter a defensive and passive state.

People who have insufficient salt intake and hardly drink water naturally change their desire to drink water after ingesting salt. Fruits that were originally dismissive start to come in, and they will also want to drink some tea or beverages. The dry mouth began to secrete saliva, the body produced sweat, digestion returned to normal, dry eyes disappeared, and the skin improved. These problems caused by insufficient water have been solved.

Water is the root of all things, but it is dangerous to drink only water without salt. However, in spite of this, people still strongly advocate drinking more water and fruits, and eating less salt. In fact, when exercising or going out, it is very suitable to carry salt water with you, or take the salt alone, or you can drink it with water and beverages. 500ml of water, adding about 2 teaspoons of salt, can reach a concentration of 1%. The actual concentration can be adjusted according to your own needs. Adding salt to sports drinks is also a very good method. According to the weather, amount of exercise, amount of activity, or physical fitness of the day, everyone's intake varies. Just find the amount that suits you best.
