Is the Korean Moyuum milk bottle good? Seoulpapa

Are you looking for Korean Moyuum milk bottles? Are you wondering if the  Moyuum milk bottle is good or if it worths the hype? Then our article will definitely be very helpful for you!

Moyuum bottle review Seoulpapa
Moyuum milk bottles originating from Korea are always the first choice of many mothers in Korea and around the world. There are currently 2 main types of Moyuum milk bottle: 170ml and 270ml. Therefore, depending on the age and milk needs of each baby, you should choose a Moyuum bottle with an appropriate capacity.

In addition to being used to drink milk, you can replace the teat with a straw that can become a very convenient baby drinking bottle.

Moyuum bottle review Seoulpapa

Is the Korean Moyuum milk bottle good?

To know if the Korean Moyuum milk bottle is good, please refer to the information and reviews we share below:

+ Moyuum milk bottles are made from the most advanced PPSU material today. Not only has high durability, PPSU plastic also has very good heat resistance up to 200 degrees Celsius. Therefore, you can sterilize baby bottles comfortably with hot water, sterilizers, microwave ovens without worrying about crack, deform and produce toxic substances.

+ Silicon teats are made from high quality medical silicone, so they are very soft, giving the baby the most comfortable feeling.

+ Both PPSU and silicone materials used to make Moyuum milk bottles do not contain toxic ingredients, especially BPA, so it is very safe for babies to use every day.

Moyuum bottle review Seoulpapa
The teat is equipped with an ventilation valve that prevents the outside air from entering the bottle, therefore it prevents choking, bloating and vomiting.

The wide neck design makes cleaning very easy, it also avoids the situation of milk stagnation of bacteria that attack and cause disease.

+ Slim and compact design, which is easy to hold.

+ The milk bottle is designed with a convenient and flexible drinking straw that can be rotated 360 degrees. When the baby does not drink breast milk, it can turn into a water bottle.

It can be seen that the Korean Moyuum milk bottle is worth buying and experiencing. Good quality, easy to use and very safe are the outstanding advantages of the Korean brand Moyuum baby bottles.

Moyuum bottle review Seoulpapa

Are Korean Moyuum bottles expensive?

According to the survey, the selling price of Moyuum milk bottles on the market is in the high-priced bottle segment because of its outstanding quality.

Safe material, high durability, good heat resistance, easy to use and convenient "2 in 1" design, Moyuum milk bottle is the perfect and wonderful Korean product that you should definitely buy for your precious. Come to the nearest store and buy Moyuum milk bottles for your baby to experience and feel the difference!