Top winter diseases that mothers of children must know

1. Pneumonia, aka lung inflammation

Best prevention for pneumonia is UV sterilizer
In the winter, when the bitter cold continues, the first disease to be wary of just as much as a cold is pneumonia. Because the symptoms are similar to the common cold, lots of parents might mistake it for a cold, so closer observation is necessary. Pneumonia in infants is mainly caused by resporatory viruses, but it can also be caused by other bacteria. There are many cases of outbreaks in resident groups such as daycare centers and kindergartens. If your baby starts with symptoms similar to a cold and continue to have a high fever at 39 Celcius degrees, you should suspect pneumonia and visit a hospital immediately. In order to prevent kids from the invasion of viruses and bacteria, use of sterilizers is really important.

2. Otitis media, aka inner eardrum inflamation

Otitis media is a disease that mommies need to aware
Otitis media, which is an inflamation of the "middle ear" located inside the eardrum, is one of the complications that appear along with respiratory diseases such as colds, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis. When babies have a respiratory disease such as a cold, the common symptoms are frequent block or runny nose, and sneezing. At this time, bacterial from the running nose might enter the middle ear through the organ that connects the nose and the ear, and eventually causes otitis media. If your child continues to complain of ear pain along with high fever and vomiting, there is highly chance of otitis media.

3. A sore throat that causes severe neck pain

Sore throat can be prevented by toothbrushes or silicone toothbrushes after having meals
Sore throat, which is an infection of the pharynx and larynx due to infection with bateria or viruses, is accompanied by symptoms such as cough, phlegm, and horaseness along with dry and itching in the throat. Most cases are caused by a virus, but in winter, it often comes along with the outbreak of a cold or after a cold. In most cases, babies can heal naturally, but if it is bacterial that causes sore throat in infants, active treatment, for example, antibiotics, is required under specialist observation. This disease can be avoided if kids have good oral hygiene. Seoul Papa recommends mommies to clean kids teeth by toothbrushes or silicone toothbrushes after having meals.

4. "Laryngitis" with symptoms similar to a sore throat

Laryngitis, which is caused by inflamation of the larynx that surrounds the vocal cords, is a disease that causes pain along with high fever and swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper part of the vocal cords. It is similar to the pharyngitis introduced earlier, but laryngitis tends to cause stronger cough than haryngitis, which makes kids more difficult breath, and might lead to rattling cough. In additon, itching in the throat and a feeling of a foreign matter, and symptoms similar to those of a sore throat apperaseoulpapa- mother tip may be felt. Make sure your kids drink plenty of water to help keep your throat from drying.

5. Sinusitis, and inflammation of the inside of the sinuses
Sinusitis refers to a disease in which the mucous membrane covering the inside of the "sinuses", an empty space filled with air in the facial bones, becomes inflamed.
Most of them a rhinitis, and there are very few cases of sinusitis happens without rhinitis. Therefore, children with frequent colds or allergic rhinitis are prone to swelling of the nalsal mucosa and sinusitis. If your kids have a headache and a runny nose with basic symtoms such as block nose, your kids may have sinusitis.

6. Conjunctivitis

disease kids might have in winter- mother tip
Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is caused in part by the mother's habit of using thick, cotton-felt fabrics in long time. When children have conjunctivitis, they might have symptoms such as: red eyes, yellow tears, and a lot of oozing.

Winter diseases that can be caused by various reasons such as light clothing and large differences in indoor and outdoor temperatures. The easiest amd most effective way to prevent these diseases in advance, is good personal hygiene and drinking plenty of water. Mommies need to keep kids clean, wash their hands with soap, regularly wash and dry their children's personal belongings, teach children to use their own personal items, etc for disease prevention.

